Tuesday, April 28, 2009

If I Could Hug Oregon...

Eugene, Oregon mayor proclaims Apr 30 - May 6 “Medical Marijuana Awareness Week”

I was tearing up by the time I finished reading this news. This is a sign of true change, and I applaud the efforts of Mayor Kitty Piercy and the the City of Eugene, Oregon as well as Willamette Valley NORML.

Changing the worlds view of Cannabis depends on all of us working continually, and an event such as Medical Marijuana Awareness Week proves the dedication of so many is starting to shine bright in the light of day.

Keep up the good work and momentum, everyone, bringing forth the truth about the miracle that is Cannabis to the masses will end the madness that is Prohibition.

From NORML's Daily Audio Stash:

City of Eugene, Oregon
Official Proclamation of Medical Marijuana Awareness Week in Eugene, Oregon

WHEREAS: In November 1998, Oregon voters passed into law the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, allowing Oregonians suffering from debilitating medical conditions to use marijuana as medicine. Currently, nearly 25,000 patients are enrolled and over 2,900 doctors have provided recommendations for patients’ utilization of medical marijuana; and

WHEREAS: Thirteen states have passed laws allowing for chronically and seriously ill patients to use cannabis with the approval of their physicians; and

WHEREAS: On September 6, 1988, Drug Enforcement Administrations (DEA) own Administrative Law Judge, Francis L. Young, ruled that “Marijuana, in it’s natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known”; and

WHEREAS: There are over are over 17,000 published scientific studies on the therapeutic values of cannabis and cannabinoids in the National Library of Medicine, and, there are over 2,600 patents filed for the medical use of cannabinoids in the United States Patent office; and

WHEREAS: Pre-Clinical and Clinical trials indicate that cannabinoids are useful in controlling Alzheimer’s Disease, Cancer, Chronic Pain, Diabetes, G I Disorders, Hepatitis C, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis, Pruritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Sleep Apnea; and,

WHEREAS: Marijuana has a history of thousands of years of safe use without any recorded deaths attributed to its use, and, all citizens deserve to know the truth about cannabis,

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kitty Piercy, Mayor of the City of Eugene, Oregon, do hereby proclaim the Week of April 30th, 2009 to May 6th, 2009 as “Medical Marijuana Awareness Week” in the city of Eugene, and encourage all citizens to join in this observance.

Kitty Piercy, Mayor
Dated this 22nd day of April 2009

Thank You, Oregon, your willingness to embrace the facts of Medical Marijuana above years of Propaganda makes you a Leader among States. Bravo!

Signs of Change

Highway 420 has some great suggestions for Activism Signs. With the Global Marijuana March coming up on May 2nd it's time to break out the Bristol Board and markers, and show your support towards stopping Bill C-15 and ending Cannabis Prohibition.

CannabisFacts.ca also has a wonderful page regarding Bill C-15 with lots of info, including a downloadable information handout that you can print and distribute.

Truth is Power. Pass It to The Left.

Smartest. Frog. Ever.

Jello Biafra goes over the reasons that Marijuana/Hemp was outlawed as presented in Jack Herer's book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes", first published in 1985. From "I Blow Minds for a Living", recorded at Slim's, San Francisco, Nov. 21, 1990.

18 years later, and the frog is still right... GROW... MORE... POT!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Peanut Gallery

"The prosecution of thousands of otherwise law-abiding citizens every year is both hypocritical and an affront to individual, civil and human rights."
~ Raymond Kendall, Secretary General of Interpol
I read an article in The Vancouver Sun: "Thousands of marijuana smokers gather in Vancouver to celebrate '420'" and, as always, just like on thousands of other internet message boards and commentary sections of cannabis-related articles, there were some comments that just oozed misinformation and propaganda-drenched thinking. Here are some quotes from Harry J. Anslinger, Director of the FBN, that underpin the current propaganda and which are the foundation for cannabis prohibition.

"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others."

"...the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."

"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."

"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."

"Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing"

"You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother."

"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind."

In 1930, a new division in the Treasury Department was established: the Federal Bureau of Narcotics or FBN. Andrew Mellon, owner of Mellon Bank and head of the Department of Treasury, named his nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, as the director. Mellon was good friends with William Randolph Hearst, owner of a newspaper empire and heavy investor in the timber industry. Hearst did not want to compete with hemp, nor did DuPont want to compete with hemp in the textile and plastics industry, this all set the stage for The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937.

After two years of secret planning, Anslinger brought his plan to Congress -- complete with a scrapbook full of sensational Hearst editorials, stories of ax murderers who had supposedly smoked marijuana, and racial slurs.

The Bureau used the Mexican slang term marijuana in the legislation and not publicizing it as a bill about cannabis or hemp. At this point, marijuana (or marihuana) was a sensationalist word used to refer to Mexicans smoking a drug and had not been connected in most people's minds to the existing cannabis/hemp plant. Thus, many who had legitimate reasons to oppose the bill weren't even aware of it.

These are the underlying reasons cannabis is illegal: racism and corporate greed. And, for the life of me, I cannot understand why Canada buys into such madness. If we don’t oppose legislation like Bill C-15 (6-9 Months in jail for growing ONE Cannabis Plant) we are surely heading down a dark path of destruction. Studies show that mandatory minimum sentencing does not work. Ask yourself if you want to continue to live within a system where billions of dollars are spent annually to support an ever growing prison system filled with otherwise law abiding non-violent "offenders". What do you think of the State of Texas? Who in 1997 built ONE university - and 77 prisons. Is that a Canada you are prepared to live in? Because if we keep this unrealistic War On a Plant up I'm afraid that's where we're headed.

There are many substances that aren’t good for us - alcohol being among the worst - but we don’t throw alcoholics in jail unless they have broken the law. No, we treat alcoholism as a health problem, with medical supervision and rehabilitation. That is the humane approach to addiction, not jail. One could argue that too many cheeseburgers and pop and potato chips and Twinkies and Timmie’s Cafe Lattes are also harmful to one’s health, but we don’t throw obese people and sugar fiends in jail either.

Legalizing cannabis will have a ripple effect throughout our communities. Families won’t lose bread winners who are sent to jail for simple possession, and we can make billions of dollars from a revitalized Hemp Industry, creating Green Jobs and helping our environment.

People will save money by being able to grow their own medicine, as well as become healthier for not ingesting so many synthetic legally prescribed narcotics. People with cancer and HIV disease and Multiple Sclerosis sufferers will be able to treat their pain without the fear of arrest. Addicts can get help in Harm Reduction programs without the fear of incarceration - making them more likely to seek help.

We would be able to keep drugs out of the hands of minors more effectively because, unlike drug dealers, cannabis dispensaries are going to require ID. You can ask any high school kid and they will tell you, it is hard to get alcohol and cigarettes because of age restrictions, but they could have pot in their hands within minutes. Legalizing it will wipe out the cannabis black market which violent gangs profit from, also lessening related violence in our society. Look at Mexican Drug Cartels, the Prohibition of the Cannabis plant causes more death and destruction than the actual plant ever could.

The "Gateway Theory" also does not hold - if it did there would be crackheads and heroin users crawling the streets, because MILLIONS use Cannabis and never touch the harder stuff. The nonpartisan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine -- which published a multiyear, million-dollar federal study assessing marijuana and health in 1999 stated: "millions of Americans have tried marijuana, but most are not regular users [and] few marijuana users become dependent on it." The investigator added, "[A]though [some] marijuana users develop dependence, they appear to be less likely to do so than users of other drugs (including alcohol and nicotine), and marijuana dependence appears to be less severe than dependence on other drugs."

Prohibition also causes cannabis-seeking citizens to associate with drug dealers, and it is usually they who try to up sell harder drugs like methamphetamine and heroin. After all, if they are trying to make you a lifelong customer and cannabis is less addictive than other widely used intoxicants, including caffeine. Having safe dispensaries in which to purchase Cannabis would cut down one's exposure to these more harmful substances and dangerous situations dramatically.

In the end, what we choose to put into our own bodies should be a personal choice, and not one of the Government. It's time for everyone to shake off the Propaganda that has been shoved down our sheepish little throats for over 70 years and look a little deeper for the truth. The Government must realize it can't legislate human behavior. As long as someone is using cannabis responsibly, there is no reason to demonize and criminalize this wonder plant. Cannabis has been used by the human race for over 10,000 years, yet there has never been one recorded death from a Cannabis overdose, but thousands of people die in Canada every year from nicotine, alcohol, prescription medication reactions and side effects, unhealthy eating, and caffeine. So why is it that cannabis is illegal? Since when should moral judgment trump scientific fact?

Prohibition must end. It didn't work for alcohol (Al Capone, anyone?) and it will never, ever, work for Cannabis. Just ask the thousands of people who turned up to celebrate 420 in Vancouver, or the 15 000+ who showed up in Colorado, and the thousands who turned up to hundreds of 420 celebrations around the globe. Yet to come? The Global Marijuana March on May 2nd.

Whether you agree with using Cannabis or not, it comes down to citizens being free to make that personal decision for ourselves. Cannabis is here to stay and it's never going to go away. Better to legalize it, regulate it, and take control away from drug cartels. It's the smart thing to do.

Pass It to The Left.

Like the LCBO for Liquor, Canadians could have Legal, Regulated Dispensaries.
~Pic from FrankDiscussion.net

Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama White House, Eric Holder's Department of Justice Targeting a Holocaust Against Medical Marijuana Caregivers, Growers, Suppliers and Users.

The Department of justice has made it official that they intend on cracking down on anyone involved in the Medical Marijuana industry, regardless of the states laws on Medical Marijuana.

Needless to say, this is seriously bad news...question is, can the Medical Marijuana Movement do anything if we continue to sit on our hands...letter writing is NOT WORKING, while media coverage WILL WORK. We wrote letters, contacted our elected officials, prayed, and that DID NOT END THE VIETNAM WAR...taking to the streets, being in the NEWS EVERY FREAKING NIGHT ended that war. It will take that same effort to end the wrongful WAR ON DRUGS, and the sooner we come to this realization, the better off we will all be.

We have 25 million cannabis smokers across America...it is my belief, my contention that we are not going to get any POSITIVE forward movement on Medical Marijuana or on cannabis legalization any time soon unless we organize and MARCH, and I am talking in LARGE NUMBERS. You put half a million people on the streets in say five major cities...New York, Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago would work...and you will see movement and action. You have smaller groups of us picking up our protest signs and taking to the streets, and we will get action. You call a million person Woodstock like SMOKE IN down on Washington, DC, and YOU WILL PUSH THE ISSUE.

How many more people need sent to prison before we all wake up to the reality that drastic actions are required here? The war on drugs has lasted SEVENTY YEARS because WE HAVE ALLOWED IT TO LAST. If states have voted to have LEGAL Medical Marijuana, then they have a duty to PROTECT those citizens in their states that did everything by the books according to state law, and that includes using local, state police, and if necessary the State National Guard to evict the DEA from their cities, to chain shut Federal Court Houses. Arnold has the ability in California to DRAW THE LINE IN THE SAND, but he does not have the balls to do it. That leaves it up to the 420 Community to demand real change, to MARCH FOR OUR CIVIL RIGHTS.

Showing up for sentencing on the 23rd of Charles Lynch...that is all nice and well, but it is NOT GOING TO DO ANY GOOD, he is still going to be handcuffed, dragged up to prison for up to ONE HUNDRED YEARS...chain shut the court house, encircle it in PEACEFUL PROTEST with so many people that the courthouse has no choice but to SHUT DOWN, that will get attention on this issue, give these victims of the goosestepping agents of the DEA a fighting chance for justice. Face it people...in WAR YOU FIGHT, OR YOU LOSE.

Obama is not scaling back the war on drugs, HE IS TURNING UP THE HEAT, the DEA and Eric Holder's Department of Justice are looking for the easy to pluck low hanging fruit, and that low hanging fruit makes every Medical Marijuana user, grower, supplier and caregiver A TARGET in all 13 states that have laws allowing Medical Marijuana use. Charles, Tom Kikuchi, Stephanie Landa, Dustin Costa...how many more of your friends, your compatriots are going to be scooped up by the BLACK HAND of the DEA before you realize this is a HOLOCAUST aimed at and against ten percent of Americans Citizens?

We have how many Pot Smokers on TWITTER? Where are my Budding Bloggers, at least one in every state so that we can network and have INSTANT communications to get stories out? Where is every smoker on Twitter joining up and participating in the Medical Marijuana Society Network? We need to GET SERIOUS PEOPLE, and I hope this Blog Message is the start of a NATIONAL CALL TO ACTION.

Sign up, volunteer, get involved...we need ACTIVIST, and being an ACTIVISTS MEANS DOING SOMETHING BESIDES LIGHTING UP A BLUNT.

Places You Can PLUG IN TOO...we can build the tools, but if 420 Folk do not join and use them, what good are they?

Medical Marijuana Society
Medical Marijuana Society Network
Medical Marijuana Message Board
Budding Bloggers
ASA (Americans for Safe Access)
Track Marijuana News...follow us on Twitter!

Link to this message, cut and paste it to your blogs!

Before you say you are too busy to get involved...what if you are next on the DEA's list as they TARGET OUR COMMUNITY? Short on time...then GIVE MONEY, as it takes money to organize and advertise! Think about it...if every Pot Smoker in America DONATED TEN DOLLARS A MONTH TO THE CAUSE, we would have $250 Million EACH MONTH to wage war against our oppressors...that buys a lot of advertising, hires a lot of lobbyists, and could FUND OUR MARCHES! Yes, I am ANGRY...this war has lasted seventy years, and it is time WE END IT.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Tomorrow is April Twentieth. For those who are versed in the World of Cannabis, the 4th month and the 20th day has a very special meaning. There have been different legends about how the number became significant to the counterculture, but regardless of its origin, Cannabis Lovers all over the world celebrate one of Mother Nature’s greatest gifts on this day.

While there will be fun times and music throughout the 420 festivities, I ask you to please take some time to remember those who have fought on behalf of all of us over the last 70+ Years of Cannabis Prohibition.

There are millions of people and stories that each and every one of us know, about the linguistic warriors and everyday normal men and women who have become enslaved in the Prison System. And we grieve for those who have had their lives stolen, snuffed out in Death from this War, this inhumane madness, and we remember them and promise we will not let their presence here on Earth with us be forgotten. Their Light will continue to shine on through all of us.

We know of those who remain imprisoned at right this very second - because governments have succeeded in criminalizing this wonder herb that is really a miracle of our planet, and we protest those who continue their oppression of people who just want to make decisions for themselves. How is it that governments have control over our own bodies? How is it that they can lock anyone away for using a plant? A plant! We remember you, we think of you, and we will stand for you.

Yes, we will continue the fight. We will not rest until all of our voices together have become a deafening roar that will no longer be ignored by Nanny States. Our true Freedom depends on it and we will not desist. We are never going away, we will never stop. We think of all of you who have endured persecution, and this year, on 420, we will be resilient on your behalf.

For no matter where we are from, no matter the colour of our skin or the religion we believe in, when you take those things, we are all Human underneath. Good, in the end, will triumph over Evil.

Puff, Puff, Peace everyone… Pass It to the Left.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Just a Couple of Friday Hemp Factoids

The Cannabis Community is all abuzz as we approach April 20th (4/20) and the various and assorted planned activities around that day. Myself...I am leery as I watch the American News media beating a rather ugly sounding anti Marijuana Drum since Barack Obama took office...I see it as a "Custer's Last Stand" on the part of the DEA who does not want to lose what has been a very profitable enforcement run for them...as example, legalization of Medical Marijuana would see enforcement issues and inspection handed over to the FDA, and Industrialized Hemp oversight would probably go to the USDA. The just say no message is being tweaked and amped up, and we have some heavy hitters (Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder) in the Obama administration blaming the Mexican Drug War on American Pot Smokers.
Some Factoids

1. At least 2/3's of American Marijuana Consumption (both legal and illegal) is grown right here in America, and we could easily grow 100 percent of our consumption if Cannabis and Hemp were legalized.

2. The Drug Cartel's and their war is not really about Marijuana, but instead is about Heroin and Cocaine and the routes needed to get their products into America.

On 420, have fun, CELEBRATE OUR DAY, but I would ask each and every one of my fellow Budsters out there in 420 land to remember the goal of Legalization, and consider signing up to do some volunteer work for the cause. We need state and city bloggers ourselves. ASA (Americans for Safe Access) and NORML probably have lots of volunteer work waiting for a set of hands that wants to pitch in.

We cannot realize our dream without every Cannabis Friendly American doing their part for the cause, and while we are on the subject, lets not forget that our friends in Canada are dealing with many of the same issues and harrassments we ourselves face.

Tags: 420, cannabis, dea, friendly, hemp, legalization, marijuana, medical, obama,